The Journey Begins

It is not everyday that a new satire site is created on the internet. It is more like every other day, and today was the day scheduled for me to release mine. This has been a dream of mine since The Onion rejected my application and I vowed to make them pay. Two years and $30 later, my Onion-killing website, Bard Kitty, is open and ready for business.

Bard Kitty is still in its infancy as I figure out the direction to take my new voice on the internet. Should I focus on derivative political humor that takes little effort but promises great dividends as I reaffirm the preconceived notions of my readership, or should I try for a more esoteric and experimental voice that guarantees to confuse more than entertains? I can also just give up this venture right now rather than two weeks from now when the novelty wears off and this is no longer is fun. Whatever I decide to do though, one thing is clear: Revenge cannot wait for me to figure out how to set up my Patreon.

Thus, Bard Kitty is born. Hope you enjoy it, and feel free to send me any positive comments and reassurances that the Onion was wrong not to hire me that you may have!

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